Towards a Statistically Semantic Web


  • Gerhard Weikum
  • Jens Graupmann
  • Ralf Schenkel
  • Martin Theobald

The envisioned Semantic Web aims to provide richly annotated and explicitly structured Web pages in XML, RDF, or description logics, based upon underlying ontologies and thesauri. Ideally, this should enable a wealth of query processing and semantic reasoning capabilities using XQuery and logical inference engines. However, we believe that the diversity and uncertainty of terminologies and schema-like annotations will make precise querying on a Web scale extremely elusive if not hopeless, and the same argument holds for large-scale dynamic federations of Deep Web sources. Therefore, ontology-based reasoning and querying needs to be enhanced by statistical means, leading to relevanceranked lists as query results. This paper presents steps towards such a “statistically semantic” Web and outlines technical challenges. We discuss how statistically quantified ontological relations can be exploited in XML retrieval, how statistics can help in making Web-scale search efficient, and how statistical information extracted from users’ query logs and click streams can be leveraged for better search result ranking. We believe these are decisive issues for improving the quality of next-generation search engines for intranets, digital libraries, and the Web, and they are crucial also for peer-to-peer collaborative Web search. 1 The Challenge of “Semantic” Information Search The age of information explosion poses tremendous challenges regarding the intelligent organization of data and the effective search of relevant information in business and industry (e.g., market analyses, logistic chains), society (e.g., health care), and virtually all sciences that are more and more data-driven (e.g., gene expression data analyses and other areas of bioinformatics). The problems arise in intranets of large organizations, in federations of digital libraries and other information sources, and in the most humongous and amorphous of all data collections, the World Wide Web and its underlying numerous databases that reside behind portal pages. The Web bears the potential of being the world’s largest encyclopedia and knowledge base, but we are very far from being able to exploit this potential. Database-system and search-engine technologies provide support for organizing and querying information; but all too often they require excessive manual preprocessing, such as designing a schema and cleaning raw data or manually classifying documents into a taxonomy for a good Web portal, or manual postprocessing such as browsing through large result lists with too many irrelevant items or surfing in the vicinity of promising but not truly satisfactory approximate matches. The following are a few example queries where current Web and intranet search engines fall short or where data P. Atzeni et al. (Eds.): ER 2004, LNCS 3288, pp. 3–17, 2004. c © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 4 Gerhard Weikum et al. integration techniques and the use of SQL-like querying face unsurmountable difficulties even on structured, but federated and highly heterogeneous databases: Q1: Which professors from Saarbruecken in Germany teach information retrieval and do research on XML? Q2: Which gene expression data from Barrett tissue in the esophagus exhibit high levels of gene A01g? And are there any metabolic models for acid reflux that could be related to the gene expression data? Q3: What are the most important research results on large deviation theory? Q4: Which drama has a scene in which a woman makes a prophecy to a Scottish nobleman that he will become king? Q5: Who was the French woman that I met in a program committee meeting where Paolo Atzeni was the PC chair? Q6: Are there any published theorems that are equivalent to or subsume my latest mathematical conjecture? Why are these queries difficult (too difficult for Google-style keyword search unless one invests a huge amount of time to manually explore large result lists with mostly irrelevant and some mediocre matches)? For Q1 no single Web site is a good match; rather one has to look at several pages together within some bounded context: the homepage of a professor with his address, a page with course information linked to by the homepage, and a research project page on semistructured data management that is a few hyperlinks away from the homepage. Q2 would be easy if asked for a single bioinformatics database with a familiar query interface, but searching the answer across the entire Web and Deep Web requires discovering all relevant data sources and unifying their query and result representations on the fly. Q3 is not a query in the traditional sense, but requires gathering a substantial number of key resources with valuable information on the given topic; it would be best served by looking up a well maintained Yahoo-style topic directory, but highly specific expert topics are not covered there. Q4 cannot be easily answered because a good match does not necessarily contain the keywords “woman”, “prophecy”, “nobleman”, etc., but may rather say something like “Third witch: All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!” and the same document may contain the text “All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis!”. So this query requires some background knowledge to recognize that a witch is a woman, “shalt be” refers to a prophecy, and thane is a title for a Scottish nobleman. Q5 is similar to Q4 in the sense that it also requires background knowledge, but it is more difficult because it additionally requires putting together various information fragments: conferences on which I served on the PC found in my email archive, PC members of conferences found on Web pages, and detailed information found on researchers’ homepages. And after having identified a candidate like Sophie Cluet from Paris, one needs to infer that Sophie is a typical female first name and that Paris most likely denotes the capital of France rather than the 500-inhabitants town of Paris, Texas, that became known through a movie. Q6 finally is what some researchers call “AI-complete”, it will remain a challenge for a long time. For a human expert who is familiar with the corresponding topics, none of these queries is really difficult. With unlimited time, the expert could easily identify relevant pages and combine semantically related information units into query answers. The challenge is to automate or simulate these intellectual capabilities and implement them so that they can handle billions of Web pages and petabytes of data in structured (but schematically highly diverse) Deep-Web databases. Towards a Statistically Semantic Web 5 2 The Need for Statistics What if all Web pages and all Web-accessible data sources were in XML, RDF, or OWL (a description-logic representation) as envisioned in the Semantic Web research direction [25, 1]? Would this enable a search engine to effectively answer the challenging queries of the previous section? And would such an approach scale to billions of Web pages and be efficient enough for interactive use? Or could we even load and integrate all Web data into one gigantic database and use XQuery for searching it? XML, RDF, and OWL offer ways of more explicitly structuring and richly annotating Web pages. When viewed as logic formulas or labeled graphs, we may think of the pages as having “semantics”, at least in terms of model theory or graph isomorphisms1. In principle, this opens up a wealth of precise querying and logical inferencing opportunities. However, it is extremely unlikely that all pages will use the very same tag or predicate names when they refer to the same semantic properties and relationships. Making such an assumption would be equivalent to assuming a single global schema: this would be arbitrarly difficult to achieve in a large intranet, and it is completely hopeless for billions of Web pages given the Web’s high dynamics, extreme diversity of terminology, and uncertainty of natural language (even if used only for naming tags and predicates). There may be standards (e.g., XML schemas) for certain areas (e.g., for invoices or invoice-processsing Web Services), but these will have limited scope and influence. A terminologically unified and logically consistent Semantic Web with billions of pages is hard to imagine. So reasoning about diversely annotated pages is a necessity and a challenge. Similarly to the ample research on database schema integration and instance matching (see, e.g., [49] and the references given there), knowledge bases [50], lexicons, thesauri [24], or ontologies [58] are considered as the key asset to this end. Here an ontology is understood as a collection of concepts with various semantic relationships among them; the formal representation may vary from rigorous logics to natural language. The most important relationship types are hyponymy (specialization into narrower concepts) and hypernymy (generalization into broader concepts). To the best of my knowledge, the most comprehensive, publicly available kind of ontology is the WordNet thesaurus hand-crafted by cognitive scientists at Princeton [24]. For the concept “woman” WordNet lists about 50 immediate hyponyms, which include concepts like “witch” and “lady” which could help to answer queries like Q4 from the previous section. However, regardless of whether one represents these hyponymy relationships in a graph-oriented form or as logical formulas, such a rigid “trueor-false” representation could never discriminate these relevant concepts from the other 48 irrelevant and largely exotic hyponyms of “woman”. In information-retrieval (IR) jargon, such an approach would be called Boolean retrieval or Boolean reasoning; and IR almost always favors ranked retrieval with some quantitative relevance assessment. In fact, by simply looking at statistical correlations of using words like “woman” and “lady” together in some text neighborhood within large corpora (e.g., the Web or large digital libraries) one can infer that these two concepts are strongly related, as opposed to concepts like “woman” and “siren”. Similarly, mere statistics strongly suggests that 1 Some people may argue that all computer models are mere syntax anyway, but this is in the eye of the beholder. 6 Gerhard Weikum et al. a city name “Paris” denotes the French capital and not Paris, Texas. Once making a distinction of strong vs. weak relationships and realizing that this is a full spectrum, it becomes evident that the significance of semantic relationships needs to be quantified in some manner, and the by far best known way of doing this (in terms of rigorous foundation and rich body of results) is by using probability theory and statistics. This concludes my argument for the necessity of a “statistically semantic” Web. The following sections substantiate and illustrate this point by sketching various technical issues where statistical reasoning is key. Most of the discussion addresses how to handle non-schematic XML data; this is certainly still a good distance from the Semantic Web vision, but it is a decent and practically most relevant first step. 3 Towards More “Semantics” in Searching XML and Web Data Non-schematic XML data that comes from many different sources and inevitably exhibits heterogeneous structures and annotations (i.e., XML tags) cannot be adequately searched using database query languages like XPath or XQuery. Often, queries either return too many or too few results. Rather the ranked-retrieval paradigm is called for, with relaxable search conditions, various forms of similarity predicates on tags and contents, and quantitative relevance scoring. Note that the need for ranking goes beyond adding Boolean text-search predicates to XQuery. In fact, similarity scoring and ranking are orthogonal to data types and would be desirable and beneficial also on structured attributes such as time (e.g., approximately in the year 1790), geographic coordinates (e.g., near Paris), and other numerical and categorical data types (e.g., numerical sensor readings and music style categories). Research on applying IR techniques to XML data has started five years ago with the work [26, 55, 56, 60] and has meanwhile gained considerable attention. This research avenue includes approaches based on combining ranked text search with XPath-style conditions [4, 13, 35, 11, 31, 38], structural similarities such as tree-editing distances [5, 54, 69, 14], ontology-enhanced content similarities [60, 61, 52], and applying probabilistic IR and statistical language models to XML [28, 2]. Our own approach, the XXL2 query language and search engine [60, 61, 52], combines a subset of XPath with a similarity operator ∼ that can be applied to element or attribute names, on one hand, and element or attribute contents, on the other hand. For example, the queries Q1 and Q4 of Section 1 could be expressed in XXL as follows (and executed on a heterogeneous collection of XML documents): Q1: Select * From Index Q4: Select * From Index Where ̃professor As P Where ̃drama//scene As S And P = "Saarbruecken" And S// ̃speaker = " ̃woman" And P// ̃course = " ̃IR" And S// ̃speech = "king" And P// ̃research = " ̃XML" And S// ̃person = " ̃nobleman" Here XML data is interpreted as a directed graph, including href or XLink/XPointer links within and across documents that go beyond a merely tree-oriented approach. End nodes of connections that match a path condition such as drama//scene are bound to node variables that can be referred to in other search conditions. Content conditions 2 Flexible XML Search Language. Towards a Statistically Semantic Web 7 such as = "∼woman" are interpreted as keyword queries on XML elements, using IR-style measures (based on statistics like term frequencies and inverse element frequencies) for scoring the relevance of an element. In addition and most importantly, we allow expanding the query by adding “semantically” related terms taken from an ontology. In the example, “woman” could be expanded into “woman wife lady girl witch . . . ”. The score of a relaxed match, say for an element containing “witch”, is the product of the traditional score for the query “witch” and the ontological similarity of the query term and the related term, sim(woman,witch) in the particular example. Element (or attribute) name conditions such as ∼course are analogously relaxed, so that, for example, tag names “teaching”, “class”, or “seminar” would be considered as approximate matches. Here the score is simply the ontological similarity, for tag names are only single words or short composite words. The result of an entire query is a ranked list of subgraphs of the XML data graph, where each result approximately matches all query conditions with the same binding of all variables (but different results have different bindings). The total score of a result is computed from the scores of the elementary conditions using a simple probabilistic model with independence assumptions, and the result ranking is in descending order of total scores. Query languages of this kind work nicely on heterogeneous and non-schematic XML data collections, but the Web and also large fractions of intranets are still mostly in HTML, PDF, and other less structured formats. Recently we have started to apply XXLstyle queries also to such data by automatically converting Web data into XML format. The COMPASS3 search engine that we have been building supports XML ranked retrieval on the full suite of Web and intranet data including combined data collections that include both XML documents and Web pages [32]. For example, query Q1 can be executed on an index that is built over all of DBLP (cast into XML) and the crawled homepages of all authors and other Web pages reachable through hyperlinks. Figure 1 depicts the visual formulation of query Q1. Like in the original XXL engine, conditions with the similarity operator ∼ are relaxed using statistically quantified relationships from the ontology. Fig. 1. Visual COMPASS Query 3 Concept-oriented Multi-format Portal-aware Search System. 8 Gerhard Weikum et al. The conversion of HTML and other formats into XML is based on relatively simple heuristic rules, for example, casting HTML headings into XML element names. For additional automatic annotation we use the information extraction component ANNIE that is part of the GATE System developed at the University of Sheffield [20]. GATE offers various modules for analyzing, extracting, and annotating text; its capabilities range from part-of-speech tagging (e.g., for noun phrases, temporal adverbial phrases, etc.) and lexicon lookups (e.g., for geographic names) to finite state transducers for annotations based on regular expressions (e.g., for dates or currency amounts). One particularly useful and fairly light-weight component is the Gazetteer Module for named entity recognition based on part-of-speech tagging and a large dictionary containing names of cities, countries, person names (e.g., common first names), etc. This way one can automatically generate tags like and . For example, we were able to annotate the popular Wikipedia open encyclopdia corpus this way, generating about 2 million person and location tags. And this is the key for more advanced “semantics-aware” search on the current Web. For example, searching for Web pages about the physicist Max Planck would be phrased as person = "Max Planck", and this would eliminate many spurious matches that a Google-style keyword query “Max Planck” would yield about Max Planck Institutes and the Max Planck Society4. There is a rich body of research on information extraction from Web pages and wrapper generation. This ranges from purely logic-based or pattern-matching-driven approaches (e.g., [51, 17, 6, 30]) to techniques that employ statistical learning (e.g., Hidden Markov Models) (e.g., [15, 16, 39, 57, 40]) to infer structure and annotations when there is too much diversity and uncertainty in the underlying data. As long as all pages to be wrapped come from the same data source (with some hidden schema), the logicbased approaches work very well. However, when one tries to wrap all homepages of DBLP authors or the course programs of all computer science departments in the world, uncertainty is inevitable and statistics-driven techniques are the only viable ones (unless one is willing to invest a lot of manual work for traditional schema integration, writing customized wrappers and mappers). Despite advertising our own work and mentioning our competitors, the current research projects on combining IR techniques and statistical learning with XML querying is still in an early stage and there are certainly many open issues and opportunities for further research. These include better theoretical foundations for scoring models on semistructured data, relevance feedback and interactive information search, and, of course, all kinds of efficiency and scalability aspects. Applying XML search techniques to Web data is in its infancy; studying what can be done with named-entity recognition and other automatic annotation techniques and understanding the interplay of queries with such statistics-based techniques for better information organization are widely open fields. 4 Statistically Quantified Ontologies The important role of ontologies in making information search more “semantics-aware” has already been emphasized. In contrast to most ongoing efforts for Semantic-Web on4 Germany’s premier scientific society, which encompasses 80 institutes in all fields of science. Towards a Statistically Semantic Web 9 tologies, our work has focused on quantifying the strengths of semantic relationships based on corpus statistics [52, 59] (see also the related work [10, 44, 22, 36] and further references given there). In contrast to early IR work on using thesauri for query expansion (e.g., [64]), the ontology itself plays a much more prominent role in our approach with carefully quantified statistical similarities among concepts. Consider a graph of concepts, each characterized by a set of synonyms and, optionally, a short textual description, connected by “typed” edges that represent different kinds of relationships: hypernyms and hyponyms (generalization and specialization, aka. is-a relations), holonyms and meronyms (part-of relations), is-instance-of relations (e.g., Cinderella being an instance of a fairytale or IBM Thinkpad being a notebook), to name the most important ones. The first step in building an ontology is to create the nodes and edges. To this end, existing thesauri, lexicons, and other sources like geographic gazetteers (for names of countries, cities, rivers, etc. and their relationships) can be used. In our work we made use of the WordNet thesaurus [24] and the Alexandria Digital Library Gazetteer [3], and also started extracting concepts from page titles and href anchor texts in the Wikipedia encyclopedia. One of the shortcomings of WordNet is its lack of instances knowledge, for example, brand names and models of cars, cameras, computers, etc. To further enhance the ontology, we crawled Web pages with HTML tables and forms, trying to extract relationships between table-header column and form-field names and the values in table cells and the pulldown menus of form fields. Such approaches are described in the literature (see, e.g., [21, 63, 68]). Our experimental findings confirmed the potential value of these techniques, but also taught us that careful statistical thresholding is needed to eliminate noise and incorrect inferencing, once again a strong argument for the use of statistics. Once the concepts and relationships of a graph-based ontology are constructed, the next step is to quantify the strengths of semantic relationships based on corpus statistics. To this end we have performed focused Web crawls and use their results to estimate statistical correlations between the characteristic words of related concepts. One of the measures for the similarity of concepts c1 and c2 that we used is the Dice coefficient Dice(c1, c2) = 2|{docs with c1} ∩ {docs with c2}| |{docs with c1}|+ |{docs with c2}| In this computation we represent concept c by the terms taken from its set of synonyms and its short textual description (i.e., the WordNet gloss). Optionally, we can add terms from neighbors or siblings in the ontological graph. A document in the corpus is considered to contain concept c if it contains at least one word of the term set for c, and considered to contain both c1 and c2 if it contains at least one word from each of the two term sets. This is a heuristics; other approaches are conceivable which we are investigating. Following this methodology, we constructed an ontolgy service [59] that is accessible via Java RMI or as a SOAP-based Web Service described in WSDL. The service is used in the COMPASS search engine [32], but also in other projects. Figure 2 shows a screenshot from our ontology visualization tool. One of the difficulties in quantifying ontological relationships is that we aim to measure correlations between concepts but merely have statistical information about 10 Gerhard Weikum et al. Fig. 2. Ontology Visualization correlations between words. Ideally, we should first map the words in the corpus onto the corresponding concepts, i.e., their correct meanings. This is known as the word sense disambiguation problem in natural language processing [45], obviously a very difficult task because of polysemy. If this were solved it would not only help in deriving more accurate statistical measures for “semantic” similarities among concepts but could also potentially boost the quality of search results and automatic classification of documents into topic directories. Our work [59] presents a simple but scalable approach to automatically mapping text terms onto ontological concepts, in the context of XML document classification. Again, statistical reasoning, in combination with some degree of natural language parsing, is key to tackling this difficult problem. Ontology construction is a highly relevant research issue. Compared to the ample work on knowledge representations for ontological information, the aspects of how to “populate” an ontology and how to enhance it with quantitative similarity measures have been underrated and deserve more intensive research. 5 Efficient Top-k Query Processing with Probabilistic Pruning For ranked retrieval of semistructured, “semantically” annotated data, we face the problem of reconciling efficiency with result quality. Usually, we are not interested in a complete result but only in the top-k results with the highest relevance scores. The state-of-the-art algorithm for top-k queries on multiple index lists, each sorted in descending order of relevance scores, is the Threshold Algorithm, TA for short [23, 33, 47]. It is applicable to both relational data such as product catalogs and text documents such as Web data. In the latter case, the fact that TA performs random accesses on very long, disk-resident index lists (e.g., all URLs or document ids for a frequently occurring word), with only short prefixes of the lists in memory, makes TA much less attractive, however. Towards a Statistically Semantic Web 11 In such a situtation, the TA variant with sorted access only, coined NRA (no random accesses), stream-combine, or TA-sorted in the literature, is the method of choice [23, 34]. TA-sorted works by maintaining lower bounds and upper bounds for the scores of the top-k candidates that are kept in a priority queue in memory while scanning the index lists. The algorithm can safely stop when the lower bound for the score of the rank-k result is at least as high as the highest upper bound for the scores of the candidates that are not among the current top-k. Unfortunately, albeit theoretically instance-optimal for computing a precise top-k result [23], TA-sorted tends to degrade in performance when operating on a large number of index lists. This is exactly the case when we relax query conditions such as ∼speaker = ∼woman using semantically related concepts from the ontology5. Even if the relaxation uses a threshold for the similarity of related concepts, we may often arrive at query conditions with 20 to 50 search terms. Statistics about the score distributions in the various index lists and some probabilistic reasoning help to overcome this efficiency problem and re-gain performance. In TAsorted a top-k candidate d that has already been seen in the index lists in E(d) ⊆ [1..m], achieving score sj(d) in list j (0 < sj(d) ≤ 1), and has unknown scores in the index lists [1..m]− E(d), satisfies:

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تاریخ انتشار 2004